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Effective from October 2018

1. General
1.1. These general terms and conditions apply unless otherwise agreed upon.
1.2. Printti-Valmiste Oy (hereinafter referred to as "Printti") reserves the right to modify these general terms and conditions if deemed necessary. The general terms and conditions are referenced in written offers, and it is the customer's responsibility to be aware of their content.
1.3. The general terms and conditions are also freely available on our website.
1.4. Exceptions to the general terms and conditions can be made by agreeing on changes in writing with Printti.
1.5. Even if a particular clause of these general terms and conditions conflicts with national or international regulations and laws, it does not prevent the application of the remaining terms.


2. Technical Files and Other Technical Information
2.1. All files and drawings submitted to Printti for product manufacturing remain the property of the submitting party (the customer). However, this does not apply to the work, programs, or tools created by Printti or its subcontractor for production purposes.
2.2. Drawings, documents, or other technical information are not to be used for any purpose other than that for which they were intended, i.e., manufacturing the product for the customer. Without the permission of the provider, they should not be disclosed to third parties.


3. Validity of Offers
3.1. Offers are generally valid for 30 days unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.


4. Order Acceptance
4.1. An order from the customer is considered effective once the order and files are sent to Printti. Correspondingly, the order is considered binding once Printti has reviewed the files, quantities, and prices and sends an order confirmation to the customer.


5. Order Cancellation
5.1. If an order has been confirmed by Printti, its cancellation may incur costs, depending on the amount of wasted material and how far production had progressed at the time of cancellation. In the event of cancellation, the degree of product completion will be assessed and billed to the customer. Incomplete material will be destroyed.


6. Order Modification
6.1. If the content of a previously placed order needs to be changed, such as by sending new files, adding, or reducing quantities, it must be checked on a case-by-case basis whether it is possible and whether additional costs will be incurred. Generally, if an order has been confirmed, it is already in production.


7. Delivery
7.1. Delivery terms must be agreed upon between the customer and Printti in accordance with INCOTERMS. If not agreed upon, the default term is Ex Works (EXW).
7.2. If Printti finds that it cannot deliver the products to the customer as per the order confirmation, it must promptly notify the customer of the delay and provide a new delivery time.
7.3. If the delivery delay is due to force majeure (Section 14), Printti is entitled to extend the delivery time by the time required to resolve the situation.
7.4. If the delay is less than 10 working days, the customer does not automatically have the right to claim indirect or consequential costs, etc., caused by the delay.


8. Product Price and Currency Dependencies
8.1. The product price is determined according to the written offer made by Printti to the customer.
8.2. The sales currency or its dependence on other currencies is determined according to the rate presented in Printti's offer.
8.3. If exchange rate differences change beyond the limits stated in the offer, Printti reserves the right to adjust prices accordingly.


9. Payment Terms
9.1. The general payment term is 14 days net unless otherwise agreed. In case of payment delays, Printti will charge late payment interest in accordance with standard practices.
9.2. Delivered products remain the property of Printti until they are fully paid for.


10. Product Quality and Liability for Defects
10.1. The products must, at the time of delivery, be acceptable according to general practice, such as being compliant with specification IPC A 600. Cosmetic complaints are not accepted if the defects in question are deemed acceptable according to IPC standards.
10.2. The customer is obliged to inspect the delivered batch to ensure that it matches the order in terms of quantity, version, and visible technical aspects. Complaints or notices of product defects must be made to Printti within 6 months of delivery. If the complaint is made after this period, it may not be accepted, depending on the nature of the defect.
10.3. Complaints cannot be processed without photos and/or samples of the defective products.
10.4. Printti's liability for defects in delivered products is 12 (twelve) months from the manufacturing date of the boards, provided the products have been handled and stored appropriately. An exception applies to OSP-coated circuit boards, where liability is 3 (three) months.
10.5. Printti reserves the right to conduct or commission investigations on defective finished products, during which the examined product may be practically destroyed. Printti reserves the right, if necessary, to have the defective product examined by an external research center.


11. Replacement of Defective Products
11.1. If the customer has made a written complaint about a delivered product and Printti's quality team has determined that Printti is solely responsible for the defect, Printti reserves the right to offer as primary compensation the delivery of the same quantity of new, defect-free products. Printti's liability is limited to delivering the replacement batch or repairing the defects if this is reasonably possible.
11.2. Unless otherwise agreed, financial compensation for installed components, labor, or repairs carried out by the customer will not be accepted beyond five (5) times the unit price of the product. Likewise, Printti does not accept costs for investigations carried out by the customer unless separately agreed upon, and if Printti's approval was not obtained for the investigations.


12. Return of Defective Products
12.1. If a product batch has been handled by Printti's quality team and results in compensation to the customer, Printti requires that all defective products be returned to Printti. This is a prerequisite for processing the complaint.
12.2. The shipping costs for the replacement product and the return of defective products will be borne by Printti. The customer must make the product returns according to Printti's shipping instructions.


13. Limitations of Liability
13.1. Printti is not responsible for product quality if the product has been improperly stored, misused, used in improper conditions, or if the product has been designed or manufactured in a way that allows damage or equipment failure to occur.
13.2. As a general rule, Printti is not liable for indirect or consequential damages, such as loss of sales, profit, or reputation, or actions taken by the customer out of goodwill.
13.3. Printti's maximum liability in compensation cases, even if other conditions are met, is limited to EUR 10,000 per case.


14. Force Majeure
Printti reserves the right not to comply with these general terms and conditions if a fire, storm, flood, earthquake, or similar natural disaster, war, strike, power outage, severe machinery damage, or another comparable force majeure event prevents the proper manufacture or delivery of the product. Or if, during such a disruption, complying with the delivery terms would require unreasonably large financial sacrifices relative to the market value of the product.


15. Applicable Law
Disputes that cannot be resolved through negotiations between the parties will be settled in the District Court of Southwest Finland, applying Finnish law.




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